22junAll Day24European Venous Forum 2023
Event Details
22nd – 24th of June | Berlin The European Venous Forum, in collaboration with the German Society of Phlebology are pleased to announce the forthcoming meeting of the
Event Details
22nd – 24th of June | Berlin The European Venous Forum, in collaboration with the German Society of Phlebology are pleased to announce the forthcoming meeting of the European Venous Forum meeting in Berlin in 2023. Berlin is not only the Capital of Germany, but a pulsating city full of contrasts, always worth to be visited! Read the brochure Venue: Bolle Festsäle – Alt-Moabit 98, 10559 Berlin, Germany Registrations are now open! Visit europeanvenousforum.org
june 22 (Thursday) - 24 (Saturday)(GMT+00:00)
Bolle Festsäle
Alt-Moabit 98, Berlin, 10559, Germany